Message authentication codes (MAC), HMAC (hash-based message authentication code) and KDF (key derivation functions) play important role in cryptography.

MACs behave similar to a hash function. MAC algorithms are also known as ”keyed hash functions”, because they behave like a hash function with a key.

auth_code = MAC(key, msg)

For example

HMAC-SHA256('key', 'some msg') = 32885b49c8a1009e6d66662f8462e7dd5df769a7b725d1d546574e6d5d6e76ad

The MAC code is digital authenticity code, like a digital signature, but with pre-shared key. We shall learn more about digital signing and digital signatures later.

MAC Algorithms

Many algorithms for calculating message authentication codes (MAC) exist in modern cryptography. The most popular are based on hashing algorithms, like HMAC (Hash-based MAC, e.g. HMAC-SHA256) and KMAC (Keccak-based MAC). Others are based on symmetric ciphers, like CMAC (Cipher-based MAC), GMAC (Galois MAC) and Poly1305 (Bernstein’s one-time authenticator). Other MAC algorithms include UMAC (based on universal hashing), VMAC (high-performance block cipher-based MAC) and SipHash (simple, fast, secure MAC).

When Do We Need MAC Codes

A sample scenario for using MAC codes is like this:

  • Two parties exchange somehow a certain secret MAC key (pre-shared key).
  • We receive a msg + auth_code from somewhere (e.g. from Internet, from the blockchain, or from email message).
  • We want to be sure that the msg is not tampered, which means that both the key and msg are correct and match the MAC code.
  • In case of tampered message, the MAC code will be incorrect.

Authenticated Encryption: Encrypt / Decrypt Using MAC

Another scenario to use MAC codes is for authenticated encryption when we encrypt a message and we want to be sure the decryption password is correct and the decrypted message is the same like the original message before encryption.

  • First, we derive a key from the password. We can use this key for the MAC calculation algorithm (directly or hashed for better security).
  • Next, we encrypt the message using the derived key and store the ciphertext in the output.
  • Finally, we calculate the MAC code using the derived key and the original message and we append it to the output.

When we decrypt the encrypted message (ciphertext + MAC), we proceed as follows:

  • First, we derive a key from the password, entered by the user. It might be the correct password or wrong. We shall find out later.
  • Next, we decrypt the message using the derived key. It might be the original message or incorrect message (depends on the password entered).
  • Finally, we calculate a MAC code using the derived key + the decrypted message.
    • If the calculated MAC code matches the MAC code in the encrypted message, the password is correct.
    • Otherwise, it will be proven that the decrypted message is not the original message and this means that the password is incorrect

Some authenticated encryption algorithms (such as AES-GCM and ChaCha20-Poly1305) integrate the MAC calculation into the encryption algorithm and the MAC verification into the decryption algorithm.

The MAC is stored along with the ciphertext and it does not reveal the password or the original message. Storing the MAC code, visible to anyone is safe, and after decryption, we know whether the message is the original one or not (wrong password).

MAC-Based Pseudo-Random Generator

Another application of MAC codes is for pseudo-random generator functions. We can start from certain salt (constant number or the current date and time or some other randomness) and some seed number (last random number generated, e.g. 0). We can calculate the next_seed as follows:

next_seed = MAC(salt, seed)

This next pseudo-random number is “randomly changed” after each calculation of the above formula and we can use it to generate the next random number in certain range.

HMAC and Key Derivation

Simply calculating hash_func(key + msg) to obtain a MAC (message authentication code) is considered insecure (see the details). It is recommended to use the HMAC algorithm instead, e.g. HMAC-SHA256 or HMAC-SHA3-512 or other secure MAC algorithm.

The hash_func can be any cryptographic hash function like SHA-256, SHA-512, RIPEMD-160, SHA3-256 or BLAKE2s.

HMAC is used for message authenticity, message integrity and sometimes for key derivation.

Key Derivation Functions

Key derivation function (KDF) is a function which transforms a variable-length password to fixed-length key (sequence of bits):

function(password) -> key

As very simple KDF function, we can use SHA256: just hash the password. Don’t do this, because it is insecure. Simple hashes are vulnerable to dictionary attacks.

As more complicated KDF function, you can derive a password by calculating HMAC(salt, msg, SHA256) using some random value called ”salt”, which is stored along with the derived key and used later to derive the same key again from the password.

Using HKDF (HMAC-based key derivation) for key derivation is less secure than modern KDFs, so experts recommend using stronger key derivation functions like PBKDF2, Bcrypt, Scrypt and Argon2. We shall discuss all these KDF functions later.

KDF - Deriving Keys from Passwords

In cryptography we often use passwords instead of binary keys, because passwords are easier to remember, to write down and can be shorter.

When a certain algorithm needs a key (e.g. for encryption or for digital signing) a key derivation function (password -> key) is needed.

We already noted that using SHA-256(password) as key-derivation is insecure! It is vulnerable to many attacks: brute-forcing, dictionary attacks, rainbow attacks and others, which may reverse the hash in practice and attacker can obtain the password.

PBKDF2, Bcrypt, Scrypt and Argon2 are significantly stronger key derivation functions and are designed to survive password guessing (brute force) attacks.

By design secure key derivation functions use salt (random number, which is different for each key derivation) + many iterations (to speed-down eventual password guessing process). This is a process, known as key stretching.


PBKDF2 is a simple cryptographic key derivation function, which is resistant to dictionary attacks and rainbow table attacks. It is based on iteratively deriving HMAC many times with some padding. The PBKDF2 algorithm is described in the Internet standard RFC 2898 (PKCS #5).

PBKDF2 takes several input parameters and produces the derived key as output:

key = pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations-count, hash-function, derived-key-len)

Technically, the input data for PBKDF2 consists of:

  • password – array of bytes / string, e.g. ”p@$Sw0rD~3” (8-10 chars minimal length is recommended)
  • salt – securely-generated random bytes, e.g. ”df1f2d3f4d77ac66e9c5a6c3d8f921b6” (minimum 64 bits, 128 bits is recommended)
  • iterations-count, e.g. 1024 iterations
  • hash-function for calculating HMAC, e.g. SHA256
  • derived-key-len for the output, e.g. 32 bytes (256 bits)

Today PBKDF2 is considered old-fashioned and less secure than modern KDF functions, so it is recommended to use Bcrypt, Scrypt or Argon2 instead.

Modern Key Derivation Functions

PBKDF2 has a major weakness: it is not GPU-resistant and not ASIC-resistant, because it uses relatively small amount of RAM and can be efficiently implemented on GPU (graphics cards) or ASIC (specialized hardware).

Modern key-derivation functions (KDF) like Scrypt and Argon2 are designed to be resistant to dictionary attacks, GPU attacks and ASIC attacks. These functions derive a key (of fixed length) from a password (text) and need a lot memory (RAM), which does not allow fast parallel computations on GPU or ASIC hardware.

Algorithms like Bcrypt, Scrypt and Argon2 are considered more secure KDF functions. They use salt + many iterations + a lot of CPU + a lot of RAM memory and this makes very hard to design a custom hardware to significantly speed up password cracking.

It takes a lot of CPU time to derive the key (e.g. 0.2 sec) + a lot of RAM memory (e.g. 1GB). The calculation process is memory-dependent, so the memory access is the bottleneck of the calculations. Faster RAM access will speed-up the calculations.


The memory in Scrypt is accessed in strongly dependent order at each step, so the memory access speed is the algorithm’s bottleneck. The memory required to compute Scrypt key derivation is calculated as follows:

Memory required = 128 * N * r * p bytes

Example: e.g. 128 * N * r * p = 128 * 16384 * 8 * 1 = 16 MB (or 128 * N * r * p = 128 * 2048 * 8 * 1 = 2 MB)

In many applications, frameworks and tools, Scrypt encrypted passwords are stored together with the algorithm settings and salt, into a single string (in certain format), consisting of several parts, separated by $ character. For example, the password p@ss~123 can be stored in the Scrypt standard format like this (several examples are given, to make the pattern apparent):





Bcrypt is another cryptographic KDF function, older than Scrypt, and is less resistant to ASIC and GPU attacks. It provides configurable iterations count, but uses constant memory, so it is easier to build hardware-accelerated password crackers.

In many applications, frameworks and tools (e.g. in the database of WordPress sites), Bcrypt encrypted passwords are stored together with the algorithm settings and salt, into a single string (in certain format), consisting of several parts, separated by $ character. For example, the password p@ss~123 can be stored in the Bcrypt encrypted format like this (several examples are given, to make the pattern apparent):





Argon2 is modern ASIC-resistant and GPU-resistant secure key derivation function. It has better password cracking resistance (when configured correctly) than PBKDF2, Bcrypt and Scrypt (for similar configuration parameters for CPU and RAM usage).

Secure Password Storage

Salted Hashed Passwords - Secure, but Not Enough

  • The idea is to keep different random salt, along with different password hash, changed every time, when the password is written in the database. Thus the same password is encrypted every time as different ciphertext { salt + hash }.
  • To check the password, developers calculate the hash(password for checking) using the salt from the database and compare the calculated hash with the hash from the database.
  • This method works well to prevent dictionary attacks, but does not prevent GPU-based and ASIC-based brute force password cracking attacks.
  • It has also the same security problems like using hash(key + msg) instead of HMAC(key, msg), e.g. length-extension attack.
  • Basically keeping salted hashed passwords is more secure than the previous methods, but still avoid it.
    • Use more attack-resistant password hashing function (which is unlikely to be brute-forced) instead of simple hash, e.g. Argon2 or Scrypt.

The most complicated and most secure method for secure password storage and password-based authentication is to use secure KDF-based password hash, written in the database as pair { salt + KDF(password, salt) }. The key-derivation function (KDF) should be strong and secure, e.g. Scrypt or Argon2 with carefully selected parameters.

  • The idea is to keep different random salt for each encrypted password, along with the key derived by a secure KDF-function, such as Scrypt or Argon2 (with reasonable number of iterations and RAM consumption settings).
  • To check the password, take the salt from the database and derive a key from the password for checking, using the same KDF function and KDF parameters like when the password was stored in the database. Compare the derived key with the key from the database.
  • This method is resistant to most attacks and is considered as standard in the software industry.
    • It is as secure as the KDF function with the selected KDF parameters. For example, Argon2 taking 128 MB RAM, 4 threads and 200 ms computing time) may be appropriate for the average case.
    • Crackers cannot perform brute force attacks, because the password guessing will be too slow, even on a modern computer with good CPU and GPU or even using a specialized ASIC hardware.

Password-Based Authentication Attacks

  • Password guessing
    • Using a CAPTCHA after a 2-3 unsuccessful login attempts provides quite good protection.
  • Denial of service attack: attacker may attempt to login too many times to overload the system or can try to lock some user account with too many invalid login attempts for the same user.
    • The protection from this attack is similar to the previous attack: use a CAPTCHA and delay the login process for certain IP address after each login attempt.
  • Intercept and replay attack: attacker may intercept the authentication communication (to sniff the login / password / auth ticket / other credentials) and use the intercepted credentials to login later.
    • Most systems solve this problem by using TLS (encrypted connection) to securely send the authentication credentials (password / authentication ticket) to the server.
    • Other solutions include challenge-response based cryptographic authentication scheme, such as the scheme used in the Kerberos protocol.
  • Man-in-the-middle attack: attacker can intercept and modify the intercepted traffic between the server and the client to trick the user to reveal its login credentials.
    • This is solved by using a TLS secure connection with server certificate, which authenticates the server.
    • In some scenarios (e.g. online banking) clients are also authenticated by a digital certificate or OTP (one-time password).
  • Compromised server attack: if the authentication server and its database is compromised (hacked) and all its authentication data is leaked, the attacker should be unable to reveal user’s plaintext passwords.
    • First, it should be clear that if the authentication server is compromised, in all cases the attackers will get unauthorised access, because they will be able to intercept user’s legitimate sessions (their login and communication after successful login) and use them to impersonate the user.
    • Using a strongly secure password storage mechanism mitigates the risk for users’ passwords to be revealed as plaintext. Still, attackers who gain access to the authentication server may inject password interception backdoor and steal each user’s plaintext credentials (username + password) during the login.
    • The backdoored server attack can be stopped like this: the client generates a random number r and sends as authentication HMAC(password, r); the server compares the HMAC with its stored password. This process may be combined with client-side Scrypt or Argon2 computation and securely stored password at the server side (Scrypt or Argon2 hashed). In this scenario, unless the client software is not compromised, attackers who gained access to the authentication server will not obtain user’s passwords in plaintext.
    • In Web applications, if the server is compromised it can inject JavaScript code to compromise the client itself. In desktop and mobiles apps, the client is more safe in case of compromised server.