A precompile in the context of Ethereum is a precompiled “contract” that can be run like a smart contract but outside of the context of the EVM. What this means is that, instead of dealing with EVM opcodes, we can deal directly with Golang-compiled machine code instead, which allows us to perform much more complex computation.

This works by:

  • Setting up a list of precompiled “contracts” or functions that is referred to by the ethereum client, eg. geth / go-ethereum or op-geth (Optimism’s geth client).
  • These precompiled contracts exist at special reserved addresses, for example at 0x01.
  • When a smart contract calls a precompile through, say, ecrecover, it is actually calling a wrapper function that either calls call or staticcall under the hood, towards the corresponding contract address that contains elliptic curve recovery logic, and sending it the corresponding parameters.
  • For example, say I would like to add my own precompile to perform secp256r1 verification at the address 0x10, this is the function I would need to include in the relevant places for my contracts to be able to call secp256r1Verify(). So, the call flow goes as dapp / frontend -> my custom contract -> secp256r1Verify method -> ethereum client Golang code.
function secp256r1Verify(
	bytes32 r,
	bytes32 s,
	bytes32 x,
	bytes32 y,
	bytes32 hash
) public view returns (uint8) {
	uint8 output;
	bytes memory args = abi.encodePacked(r, s, x, y, hash);
	assembly {
		if iszero(
			// 0x10 for the precompile address
			// add(args, 32) for ???
			// 0xa0 for the size of the input (160 bytes)
			// output for the output
			// 0x01 for the size of the output flag (1 byte)
			staticcall(not(0), 0x10, add(args, 32), 0xa0, output, 0x01)
		) {
			revert(0, 0)
	return output;
